Highlights from our November 2017 meeting:
Guest speaker Rabbi Jan Salzman, Jewish Renewal Rabbi at congregation Ruach haMaqom
recommended the book Guide to the Zohar by Art Green.
Rabbi Jan also explained:
the word Kabbalah means "to receive."
every letter is the face of God.
God created humans for company or to create "the other."
God trickles through the Sefirot into our world. I think this means the mystery of God dwells inside each one of us.
We also discussed the ideas: speaking to every person as though we are about to speak to God., the balance between the masculine and feminine, good and evil, light and dark, the language of roots and branches, different ways of integrating Kabbalah into our varied lives, and how Kabbalah being rooted in Judaism. Confidence in who we are including our heritage and seeing connections with each other were also discussed. Wow! so much to contemplate.
Cooperative Dinner: Thank you to all of us for bringing yummy vegan nori roll ingredients. We were lucky enough to have scrumptious energy bars for dessert thanks to Jackson. Next time: vegan spring rolls.
Next meeting Wednesday, December 6, 6-8:30. Special presentation by Cyndi Warwick on Ayurvedic Medicine!