Our next meeting is Wednesday March 7. We plan to finish up with Kabbalistic Astrology, especially for those who couldn't make the last meeting because of the weather, then talk about the topic of Freedom in preparation for Passover. It might be interesting to read/watch something Kabbalistic related to freedom in preparation or during the meeting. I just found this online from The Kabbalah Centre: https://kabbalah.com/en/online-courses/3245-pesach-the-technology-of-freedom and this https://kabbalah.com/en/master-kabbalists/the-real-meaning-of-pesach just by googling Passover freedom kabbalah.
The food is anything vegan that can be eaten on matza. I will supply the artisan matza.
Last meeting, because Alex kindly brought in photo copies from the book Kabbalistic Astrology by Rav Berg related to our birth date, we were able to go around the circle and discuss our astrological tikkun (or what we need to learn in this life). This was a really fun discussion led by Alex and I'm hoping to do the same thing next meeting within the context of Freedom. Let me know what you think.
Also, on the agenda for next time we will discuss our policy for accepting new members.
Topic ideas for April and May: Tree of Life discussion facilitated by Ellen. Numerology facilitated by Janet.
Thank you to everyone who has presented and facilitated really interesting discussions. There's so much to learn and there are interesting connections between things I previously thought of as separate such as Ayurveda, Astrology, body work and Kabbalah.