It was so inspiring to listen to everyone last meeting. Our delish cooperative meal during which we talked about L'ag B'omer and the beginnings of recorded Kabbalah, was followed by Alex leading the Ana B'Ko'ach prayer and giving us all a pocket Zohar. We then took turns reading paragraphs introducing the Zohar with suggestions for the function it can have in our life. As this weeks discussion facilitator, I asked people to reflect on the Tree of Life sefirot and we shared our reflections that seemed to cover so much we barely scratched the surface. At the end of the meeting Ché led us in a chakra chant. Earlier we had talked about the similarity between the sefirot and the chakras and archetypal stories. How did we cover so much in two hours?
Next meeting we plan to continue our Tree of Life discussion. I'm looking forward to hearing more from everyone who attends on Wednesday, June 6.