As a group we watched Kabbalah 1, Lesson 3 on the secret to speeding up processes in our life.
Why is this happening in my movie? According to the teacher Eitan Yardeni, the Kabbalah says the secret is that your life is a perfect plan to help with your soul correction or tikkun. Every time we recognize our tikkun, through observing large or small disturbances in our life, there is a reason to celebrate. The annoying person, annoying thought, political situation etc., that we perceive as coming from the outside, is designed to bring us back to our soul. Recognizing the disturbance is the secret to speeding up processes in our life.
How will the secret be revealed?
Eitan gave an example from Rav Yehuda Ashlag, the Rabbi who 100 years ago broke with the 4000 year old tradition to keep Kabbalah/spirituality hidden from religion and people in general. Rav Ashlag compares a human baby with any other animal baby. As we know, other animals are born perfect, knowing what they need to know and having the instinct to stay away from harmful things. Animals do not have an internal opponent or ego. Human babies are born helpless. We have to learn everything. Instant reactions to our opponent do not help us learn. If children are given candy every time they are upset, what will they learn? Try the experiment of not reacting. Allow one day for a big heartache before you reach for anything that will temporarily medicate you in some way. See if something enlightening is revealed. See if a burden is lifted from your heart. Meditation (not medication) has really helped me with this practice. Anxiety can keep us up all night or little anxieties can attack during the day as in the following phrases spoken by our opponent or hurt ego: I should not have said that. I'm not smart enough. I'm too old. They don't like me. What if we practiced seeing all the insecurities as nudging us back to our soul.
Trump, Covid 19 and Environmental Disaster oh my.
Is anything outside the realm of my perception? So how should I react to the incoming data? Where does everything perceived as happening outside myself and making me feel like a confused victim really lead? The amount of things happening and the number of opinions about the things happening, brought through the media, actually causes me to freeze up with no opinion or reaction and wait for things to be revealed. True love and patience are high on my list during this big worldwide crisis/pause. If I pause long enough to observe, I can feel energy being transformed. Eitan said overcoming our opponent reveals the power of the soul.
So when do I take action?
Our internal opponent is reactive. The soul is proactive. If my internal opponent encourages me to reach for destructive actions or substances, not only can I hold back but I can ask the creator/light/source of energy for help. I feel this strongly as the Shechina or God that dwells within. Eitan reminded us that the light is 99% of reality. If we reach for the light and practice some kind of patience, something helpful will be revealed. It seems like the 1% of reality will crumble. Perhaps the only thing that makes the 1% seem stronger is us hardening our hearts. It's all an experiment but there are helpful confirmations.
End of class sharing.
Joni said she thought she had to reach beyond Judaism for spirituality. She did not realize that Kabbalah is at the root of Judaism. Remember it was kept hidden.
Annette said that growing up her parents gave her the gift of spirituality through their deep devotion to Christianity.
Alex said religion can be a container. If we go beyond the container of Judaism, Christianity, or any religion even as we practice that particular religion we will see universal truth. Perhaps that is Kabbalah.
Next Meeting
Monday, Jan. 4, 6-8:00. I think we should start a little earlier to allow more time for both watching lesson and 4 and discussion.