As a group we watched Kabbalah One, Lesson 2. This lesson goes beyond pausing before reacting to question patterns that repeat in our lives.
Kabbalah One, Lesson 1: Pause What A Pleasure. Instead of reacting to a bothersome person, political situation, physical ailment give yourself a moment to pause. Say "what a pleasure" because the moment you pause you know you are experiencing an opportunity that will help you to grow and have a new experience.
Lesson 2: Why is this (repetitive pattern) in my movie? I'm pausing every time I encounter the bothersome person, political situation or physical ailment but it keeps coming back. I'm experiencing a repetitive pattern. This is the time to ask your heart: Why is this event happening in the movie of my life? Then instead of trying to fix things or make people change, you will have the opportunity to listen for the answer. What is the repetitive pattern communicating to you? Allow the light to come in to your life before you take a pill, go to a protest or try to change a family member (good luck with that) and see what happens. The answer will come to you because your life was designed for growth and transformation or soul correction. This is really how we change our world. We begin with ourselves or the soul/all that is/God that dwells within so we can radiate love out into the world. In Kabbalah this is called tikkun. Can you think of examples of allowing transformation or tikkun in your own life? How about a for favorite movie hero? Let's share next time:)
Alex reminded us that we each have an astrological sign that is our tikkun, and even told us our tikkun sign, or what we need to transform in our soul. This is different and maybe even opposite of our sun sign. Thank you Alex for sending this description of Kabbalistic astrology in an email:
Kabbalistic astrology Kabbalah is an ancient spiritual wisdom which teaches the individual and the world as a whole how we can improve our lives. We believe at the core of the world’s great religions and spiritual traditions are truths that we call the wisdom of Kabbalah. Our goal at the Kabbalah Centre is to disseminate this wisdom as widely as possible to improve our individual lives, but also the collective and the world. KABBALISTIC ASTROLOGY According to Kabbalah, each soul chose to enter this world at a particular time, under the influence of a zodiac sign, for a reason. Kabbalistic Astrology helps us understand that reason. Using your astrological chart as a guide, you can discover what lessons your soul came to learn, what important experiences you will encounter and how to benefit from them. What are the gifts we were given and how can we use them to be of service in this world, and what are the challenges we chose to face so that we can grow?
Life is not always easy, but it is not random. Learning about our soul through an astrological chart helps to give more meaning and greater understanding to the experiences we face, the people we know, the work we do, and the forks in the road. A Kabbalistic Astrologer will never tell you what your destiny has in store, because your free will can change all of that. What a Kabbalistic Astrologer will share with you are the important signs to look for and how to learn from them. Providing you with greater understanding is the exciting purpose of each chart reading—a practical guide for immediate use.
Here is the link for scheduling an kabbalistic astrological reading on Zoom: https://www.astrology.kabbalah.com/
Our next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 7 6:00-7:30. We can watch lesson 3 6:00-7:00 and have time to share before Cyndi has an 8:00 pm meeting. You can even eat while watching/listening to the video. How does the 6:00 time sound to everyone?
Janet you can dial into the meeting with a landline phone. Click here for instructions. I can practice with you before our next meeting if you would like.